Experience of Work

My work Experience

Works Works Works Works Works Works Works

HKScan Finland Oy.

Collector, Summer 2022

My job was to pack products into boxes so they could be sent to the clients. I did this job both on the new and the old side of the factory. I also did inventory during collecting in the new side of the factory and ordered the new product pallets to the collecting place during collecting in the old side of the factory.

Lidl Finland ky.

Salesperson, Summer 2021

I was a summer employee. My job description included customer service, cashier work, shelving and cleaning the shop. There was also one fresh bread point shift. I fried frozen products for sale.

Lidl Finland ky.

Salesperson, 2019-2020

My job description included customer service, cashier work, shelving, cleaning the shop and fresh bread point shifts.

Satakunnan Osuuskauppa

Tutustu työelämään ja tienaa -trainee, Summer 2018

My job description included only shelving. This was two-week trainee contract for minors.

Sastamalan kaupunki

City's park worker, Summer 2017

job description includes cleaning the city’s flower beds and plantings. This was one month contract.

Lantulan Seudun Kyläyhdistys ry.

Helper, Summer 2016

y job description included cleaning, some gardening and storing firewood. I did what each customer wanted me to do for them.

Lantulan Seudun Kyläyhdistys ry.

Helper, Summer 2014

My job description included cleaning, some gardening, training a dog and babysitting. I did what each customer wanted me to do for them.